This was a poster done by Henry K. Tomaszewski in 1964 for the play Marie and Napoleon. I chose to write about this piece because I think it is simply atrocious. If I was the the person who told this designer I wanted a poster for my play and he came back to me with this I would have to ask 'Are you kidding me?' I'm not sure if its the head of a doll looking figure with wings randomly floating around on the plain white page or if its the objects that are randomly placed around and beside one another or if it is the text that he used to write the name of the play at the top, but I find this to be horribly dreadful. It almost feels as though he went into a childs playroom and found some scraps of paper, a couple crayons and a head of a doll that had been ripped off of a body and place them all on a piece of paper and called it art. I feel like this is almost poking fun at designers in general and is almost offensive to me. People do not realize all the time and effort that goes into designing anything and then Mr. Henry here goes and presents a piece in which looks like this and it almost feels as if its saying so easy a child could design...
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